elevate youth voice

client: rabble media / beyond school bells

role: GFX designer / motion

Rabble Media needed a fun, fresh way to engage their high school audience with an introduction to journalism and the ins and outs of telling a story through interviews and b-roll. They had the expertise and helpful guides to walk students through the process — all that was left was a little pizazz in the presentation.

In order to for the video series to pack a punch, I worked with Rabble Mill to create GFX that incorporated colorful collage elements and retro photography with a stop motion vibe. I wanted to give the series a sense of a DIY, can-do attitude to inspire young journalists and video producers to get out there and do the thing.

I created a basic brand guide that could be referenced for any additional material, as well as a toolkit for the Beyond School Bells and Rabble Mill marketing teams to utilize the collage elements, swatches, and brushes for future projects.
